Experts Release List of Fundamental Testosterone Deficiency Resolutions

In order to address concerns regarding testosterone deficiency (TD) and the treatment of the condition with testosterone therapy (TT), a group of international experts has unanimously approved a set of 9 resolutions in order to provide better clarity for physicians and patients.

The resolutions come in response to recent controversy surrounding research and media coverage suggesting an association between TT and increased cardiovascular risk.

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“These resolutions may be considered points of agreement by a broad range of experts based on the best available scientific evidence,” the authors wrote.

The team, including experts in urology, endocrinology, diabetology, internal medicine, and basic science research, approved the following resolutions:

  • TD is a clinically significant condition that negatively affects male sexuality, reproduction, general health, and quality of life.
  • TD symptoms occur as a result of low levels of testosterone. They may benefit from treatment regardless of whether an underlying etiology is identified.
  • TD is a global public health concern.
  • TT is an effective, rational, and evidence based treatment for TD.
  • There is no known testosterone concentration that distinguishes patients who will respond favorably to treatment from those who will not.
  • There is no scientific basic for age-based recommendations against TT.
  • Evidence does not support increased cardiovascular risk associated with TT.
  • Evidence does not support increased risk of prostate cancer with TT.
  • Evidence supports a major research initiative to explore the benefits of TT for cardiometabolic disease and diabetes.

"It will be surprising to those unfamiliar with the literature to learn how weak the evidence is supporting the alleged risks of cardiovascular disease and prostate cancer. Indeed, there is substantial data suggesting there may actually be cardio-protective benefits of testosterone therapy," the authors wrote.

—Michael Potts


  1. Morgentaler A, Zitzmann M, Traish AM, et al. Fundamental concepts regarding testosterone deficiency and treatment: international expert consensus resolutions [published online June 10, 2016]. doi: 10.1016/j.mayocp.2016.04.007.
  2. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Experts take strong stance on testosterone deficiency and treatment [press release]. June 21, 2016.