Chrystal M. Reed, MD, PhD, on Memory Dysfunction in Chronic Epilepsy

In this podcast, Chrystal M. Reed, MD, PhD, discusses her team’s research on the association between interictal epileptiform discharges and transient cognitive impairments in patients with chronic epilepsy. She also explains what the findings may mean for patients’ quality of life and future treatment options.

Chrystal M. Reed, MD, PhD, is an assistant professor in Cedar-Sinai Medical Center’s Department of Neurology in Los Angeles, California. She works primarily with patients with intractable epilepsy and has a goal of helping these patients find an adjunctive treatment option or a surgical cure for their epilepsy. Her research focus is on why seizures begin and stop.

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Reed CM, Mosher CP, Chandravadia N, Chung JM, Mamelak AN, Rutishauser U. Extent of single-neuron activity modulation by hippocampal interictal discharges predicts declarative memory disruption in humans. J Neurosci. 2020;40(3):682-693.