Jane Dickinson, MD, on Language Matters in Treating Diabetes: Part 1

In the first installment of this 2-part podcast, Dr Jane K Dickinson of Teachers College, Columbia University, discusses the importance of using appropriate language when treating people who have diabetes, as well as effective communication strategies that physicians can use. She recently discussed this topic at the 2018 Cardiometabolic Risk Summit in San Antonio, Texas.


To listen to part 2, click here.


Jane K Dickinson, RN, PhD, CDE, is faculty and Program Director of the solely online Master of Science in Diabetes Education and Management at Teachers College, Columbia University in New York.




1. Dickinson JK, Guzman SJ, Maryniuk MD, et al. The use of language in diabetes care and education. Diabetes Care. 2017;40(12):1790-1799. https://doi.org/10.2337/dci17-0041.


2. Speaking the language of diabetes: new language guidance for diabetes-related research, education, and publications. American Association of Diabetes Education. https://www.diabeteseducator.org/practice/educator-tools/diabetes-language-paper. Accessed on December 3, 2018.