William E. Boden, MD, on Replicating REDUCE-IT in the VA Population


William E. Boden, MD, discusses his research in which he and his colleagues tried to replicate the results seen in the REDUCE-IT trial. His research was also presented at ACC.19 Scientific Session.

William E. Boden, MD, is a professor of medicine at Boston University School of Medicine and a lecturer in medicine at Harvard Medical School. He is also the Physician Research Lead & Scientific Director of the Clinical Trials Network in the VA New England Healthcare System in Boston, Massachusetts. Read his research here.


Leatherman S, Ferguson R, Weir I, et al. Increased residual cardiovascular risk in US veterans and moderately elevated baseline triglycerides and well-controlled LDL-C levels on statins. Paper presented at: ACC.19 Scientific Session; March 16-18, 2019; New Orleans, LA. https://www.abstractsonline.com/pp8/#!/5758/presentation/40044. Accessed April 18, 2019.

Bhatt DL, Steg G, Miller M, et al; the REDUCE-IT Investigators. Cardiovascular risk reduction with icosapent ethyl for hypertriglyceridemia [published online November 10, 2018]. N Engl J Med. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1812792.