Conference Coverage

New and Emerging Treatments in Managing Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity

In the United States, 11.3% of people are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and 41.9% of people are diagnosed with obesity. While there are a wide range of treatment options for managing type 2 diabetes, there is a narrower coverage of care for obesity. However, new therapies have recently emerged, improving the management of both diseases.

Carol Wysham, MD, and Deborah B. Horn, DO, MPH, discussed these emerging therapies during their session, “Optimizing Outcomes in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity: Newer and Emerging Strategies,” at Practical Updates in Primary Care 2022 Virtual Series. Dr Wysham is an endocrinologist at the Multicare/Rockwood Center for Diabetes & Endocrinology in Spokane Washington and a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Washington. Dr Horn is the medical director at the UT Center for Obesity Medicine and Metabolic Performance and an associate professor at the University of Texas McGovern Medical School in Texas.

Dr Horn began the session by breaking down the connection between the 2 diseases. She shared data from clinical trials that examined emerging therapies, including the recently approved type 2 diabetes injectable medication tirzepatide.

Dr Wysham expanded upon Dr Horn’s discussion, by discussing the outcomes of a clinical trial that investigated the use of SGLT-2 inhibitors in people with diabetes that impact weight and weight loss management. Further, she provided an overview of the current guidelines for managing hyperglycemia published in the 2022 Standards of Care of Diabetes.

To conclude their presentation, Drs Wysham and Horn presented an example of how to treat a person with obesity and type 2 diabetes, emphasizing the importance of individualized care for patients.

“In treating the 2 diseases, we got to start thinking about combinations […] and finally I love seeing in the guidelines that we’re thinking more and more about making sure that what we’re choosing together is actually accessible to our patient[s] and that the cost and coverage is manageable for them long term, so they can stay on their medication long term,” Dr Horn concluded.

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—Jessica Ganga


Wysham C, Horn DB. Optimizing outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes and obesity: newer and emerging strategies. Talk presented at: Practical Updates in Primary Care 2022 Virtual Series; September 9, 2022; Virtual.