
Hypertension Medication Does Not Increase the Risk of Depression

Of the 41 most common antihypertension medications, none raise the risk of depression, according to a recent study.1 The researchers detailed that 9 of these medications even appear to lower this risk in patients.

“Individual drugs associated with decreased depression included 2 of 16 angiotensin agents: enalapril and ramipril; 3 of 10 calcium antagonists: amlodipine, verapamil, and verapamil combinations; and 4 of 15 β-blockers: propranolol, atenolol, bisoprolol, and carvedilol,” the researchers wrote.

Patients with hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and cerebrovascular diseases tend to have a higher risk of depression. For that reason, the researchers aimed to focus on whether treating these conditions through the use of antihypertensive medication had a secondary impact on this risk.

The researchers analyzed data from Danish health registries of more than 3.7 million adults who had taken one of 41 common medications in 2005 and were followed through 2015. The data excluded those who had previously been diagnosed with depression or were prescribed antidepressants.

The analysis included the 4 main types of blood pressure-lowering drugs: angiotensin agents, calcium antagonists, β-blockers, and diuretics. The 9 medications found to decrease the risk of depression are listed above. The researchers also noted that, “Continued use of classes of angiotensin agents, calcium antagonists, and β-blockers was associated with significantly decreased rates of depression, whereas diuretic use was not.”

“Our study’s findings could help guide prescriptions for patients with high blood pressure who are at risk of developing depression, those with prior depression or anxiety, and patients with a family history of depression,” concluded lead author Lars Vedel Kessing in a press release.2 “However, if a patient is doing well with their current blood pressure prescription, there is no reason to switch. If depression develops, a medication switch may be considered to one of the nine anti-hypertensive medications that lowered depression risk.”


—Leigh Precopio



  1. Kessing LV, Rytgaard HC, Ekstrøm CT, Torp-Pedersen C, Berk M, Gerds TA. Antihypertensive drugs and risk of depression: a nationwide population-based study. Published online August 24, 2020. J Am Heart Assoc.
  2. None of the most common blood pressure medications increased the risk of depression, some lowered the risk. News release. American Heart Asssociation. August 24, 2020. Accessed August 24, 2020.