
Volume 15 - Issue 10 - October 2016

Consultant for Pediatricians

herpes infection
herpes infection

Alexander K. C. Leung, MD—Series Editor, and Benjamin Barankin, MD

Alexander K. C. Leung, MD—Series Editor, and Benjamin Barankin, MD
A 6-year-old girl presented with vesicles on the right lower lip.
epstein pearls
epstein pearls

Alexander K. C. Leung, MD, and Benjamin Barankin, MD

Alexander K. C. Leung, MD, and Benjamin Barankin, MD
A 2-week-old infant presented with whitish lesions on the roof of her mouth.

Kumara V. Nibhanipudi, MD, FAAP, FAAEM; Samrina Kahlon, MD; and Jack Kevin Vassar, PA-C

Kumara V. Nibhanipudi, MD, FAAP, FAAEM; Samrina Kahlon, MD; and Jack Kevin Vassar, PA-C...
A  20-month-old uncircumcised boy with no past medical history was brought to the emergency department by his mother with a complaint of a “white bump” on his penis.
Paget-Schroetter syndrome
Paget-Schroetter syndrome

Debbie W. Chen, MD, and Gretchen Diemer, MD

Debbie W. Chen, MD, and Gretchen Diemer, MD
An otherwise healthy 18-year-old man developed progressive right upper extremity pain, mild swelling, and ecchymosis 1 day after throwing 96 pitches at baseball practice.
herpes infection
herpes infection

Karoline Korah, DO; Kris Rooney, MD; and April Bingham, MD 

Karoline Korah, DO; Kris Rooney, MD; and April Bingham, MD 
An 8-month-old girl presented with acute onset of fever, increased irritability, redness and swelling, and pain in her left hand.
Top Papers Of The Month
Top Papers Of The Month

Jessica Tomaszewski, MD

Jessica Tomaszewski, MD
It is estimated that males make up about 5% to 10% of the cases of bulimia and anorexia nervosa overall.
Vitamin D Recommendations
Vitamin D Recommendations

Beau DiCicco, MD; Helena Jenkinson, BS; Elizabeth Eisenmenger, BS; and Lynnette Mazur, MD, MPH 

Beau DiCicco, MD; Helena Jenkinson, BS; Elizabeth Eisenmenger, BS; and Lynnette Mazur, ...
When treating a patient with hypopigmented lesions, postinflammatory hypopigmentation and pityriasis alba must be considered.
Vitamin D Recommendations
Vitamin D Recommendations

Beau DiCicco, MD; Helena Jenkinson, BS; Elizabeth Eisenmenger, BS; and Lynnette Mazur, MD, MPH 

Beau DiCicco, MD; Helena Jenkinson, BS; Elizabeth Eisenmenger, BS; and Lynnette Mazur, ...
When treating a patient with hypopigmented lesions, postinflammatory hypopigmentation and pityriasis alba must be considered.
Vitamin D Recommendations
Vitamin D Recommendations

Beau DiCicco, MD; Helena Jenkinson, BS; Elizabeth Eisenmenger, BS; and Lynnette Mazur, MD, MPH 

Beau DiCicco, MD; Helena Jenkinson, BS; Elizabeth Eisenmenger, BS; and Lynnette Mazur, ...
When treating a patient with hypopigmented lesions, postinflammatory hypopigmentation and pityriasis alba must be considered.
latent tuberculosis
latent tuberculosis

Priyanka Nair, MD, and Aniruddh Setya, MD

Priyanka Nair, MD, and Aniruddh Setya, MD
A 10-month-old girl was admitted to the hospital with complaints of fever, cough, and fast breathing for 5 days.
latent tuberculosis
latent tuberculosis

Bailee Olliff and Lana Soylu, MD, FAAP

Bailee Olliff and Lana Soylu, MD, FAAP
The results of a physical examination showed that the boy had approximately 14 café au lait macules on his left trunk and 2 on his left armpit.
latent tuberculosis
latent tuberculosis

Zachary Obinna Enumah, MA, and Jeffrey M. Chinsky, MD, PhD 

Zachary Obinna Enumah, MA, and Jeffrey M. Chinsky, MD, PhD 
A 16-year-old boy presented to the emergency department after being referred by his primary care physician for having failed outpatient therapy for pneumonia.